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Life, Death & The Space Between

Dec 19, 2022

“Suddenly that which is our imagination becomes our reality. Let go and imagine… then watch and see how beautiful your life becomes. ”

 – Dr. Amy Robbins









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Stay Connected with Dr. Amy Robbins:









What does it mean to truly let go? Does letting go mean your life goes off the rails? Or will you better align with the flow of life and find it easier to manifest outcomes?


Listen in to hear psychologist and medium Dr. Amy Robbins share two of her channeled, inspired insights on the topic of letting go.


As a newsletter subscriber you will receive Amy’s Soul Wisdoms every two weeks. When you subscribe on Amy’s website here you will receive a free workbook of Amy’s previously channeled Soul Wisdoms to prompt your own inner work.



Amy’s Soul Wisdom:


  • [2:07] Profound change is needed in the world. What has been hidden -- or what has been unconscious -- is currently being brought into conscious awareness. Today’s tumultuous times mean change is underway – the work of which can be painful and difficult. Before change there is challenge and difficulty. And then revelation after revelation. You don’t need all the answers right now, just keep asking the questions.


  • [3:22] Letting go does not mean giving up. Rather, it means becoming unstuck. It means calling what you wish to experience to you. You can call experience into your life; your imagination becomes your reality. Think about what your life has the potential to become and watch it manifest.








Life, Death and the Space Between is brought to you by:

Dr. Amy Robbins | Host, Executive Producer

PJ Duke | Executive Producer

Andrej | Podcasticize | Sound Editing

Mara Stallins | Outreach & Social Media Strategy

Claire | | Podcast Cover Design